Thursday, May 17, 2007

How to Best Enjoy a Can of Beer

The way to best enjoy a can of beer is in a karaoke studio. Order the can of beer through the service telephone, and have it delivered by a young man on his knees. Stand on the wrap-around couch while your companion (Kate Sikora, if you're me) types the song number into the control box. Hold your can of beer in one hand, the microphone in the other. Take sips from the can between lyrics, watch the muscle-bound foreigner on the screen drive his motorcycle, and let your belches be amplified through the flattering echo of the system. Sing with a Japanese accent. Let the can of beer mingle with your jet lag, pay the 2,700 yen, and fall asleep in the fluorescent light to the sound of a good friend talking to her mother.


Timothy said...

Sounds like you found a new Culture Club.

Kate said...

another way to enjoy a beer is to buy 2 large "fake beers" from a kombini...stuff them into a book bag up-side-down...let yourself be convinced to crack one open under the everwatchingblackstudioeye.. take off one shoe...and wail away on a chair with drum brushes