Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lunch In China (A True Story)


I recently had lunch in China. There was a rat running around in the restaurant. Usually you leave when you see a rat. My companion and I noticed we were having a fantasy the moment we didn't walk out of there. Soon there was tobacco bong water spilled on the floor next to us, and it began making a cigarette-scented pond at our feet. The people who were dressed as waitstaff were stepping around the pond but not cleaning it up. This only added to the novelty of the place--I'd never been to China before. One of these characters took our order angrily, leaving the companion and I charmingly irritated and hungry. The power went out and didn't come back. Meanwhile, the people dressed as waiters and waitresses settled in for a group nap at the table next to ours. Forty minutes later, our pumpkin and bean cakes arrived. We ate a few of them (rat-flavored! We should have known!) before giving up on the impending tofu dish and leaving. We whispered sweet manifestations to the napping teenagers and dropped a piping-hot pumpkin cake into each of their sleep-soft palms.

1 comment:

Kate said...

if you like that place you should check out the sushi place Makoto and I went to in Ogikubo. Darling sushi master, cockroaches, and sub par fish.. who could ask for more?