I'm Michi! he said when I met him at the ticket gate, and after that we spoke in Japanese. How old are you, Michi? Three. We went to the bank so his mother could make a transfer. We looked at an animal book. He made the baby whales say "I love you" to their mothers. What do giraffes eat, Michi? Leaves. Do you eat leaves too? No, I like grape juice. When the book grew stale Michi took to throwing himself headfirst into the chairs in the waiting area. Doesn't that hurt you? No, it's really soft. We went to his house and he asked me to draw him a road for the car stickers he'd received in the mail. He was pleased with my work. He said something I didn't understand and I asked him to say it again. He looked at me funny and I explained that my Japanese wasn't very good. America! he exclaimed, and I completely agreed. I'm Michi! he said.
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